Friday, September 28, 2012

dario's bucket list

When we we're born, there's only one thing that is certain to happen and we can't avoid it and that is death. So accepting the fact that sooner or later I will die (But I hope not too soon).

 I created this list of things to do before I kick the bucket (Inspired by the Movies : The bucket list and A walk to Remember)

My List of things I want to do before I Die

Quit Smoking
Show my parents how much I love them
Fall in love for the first time
Find my true love and fall in love like crazy (Still searching)
Get Married (As soon as I find my true love).
Have children of my own
Be a billionaire
Learn how to drive
Fly an airplane
Ride an Airplane
Learn another language
Join a fraternity
Learn how to dance (Still trying)
Learn how to sing and record a song 
Be at two places at one time 
Learn how to swim
Have a liquor named after me
have a dog
Travel all around the world (as soon as I get a passport and the money to spend for it )
Have a tattoo
Appear in a film or music video or T.V. show.
Join a Game show
Have a body piercing
Read all Harry Potter Books. (one book to go).
A date with Sarah Geronimo
Read a  full set of Encyclopedia
Write A book
Write a Blog
Kiss the most beautiful girl in the world.
Climb a Mountain
Fire a gun
Help a total strange
Get drunk from dusk til dawn
Go Scuba diving
Ride a Motorcycle
Laugh till I cry
Ride a boat
Live long enough to fulfill this list

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